
As a dedicated sensual masseuse I’ve earned a reputation for my warm and welcoming disposition, alluring body and radiant smile and open mindedness.

I’m known for making my clients feel special and relaxed in my company and always up for new adventure.

For those who crave voluptuous bbw women,curvy smooth soft skin, 36 E bust and a round peachy bottom. I’m the woman for you.

My style when it comes to kink is more so on the seductive and playful side, creatively crafting mild kink experiences is my forte. From Sensual lite tie and tease, to the more extreme strap on and spanking. Some role play too. Milking table sessions available rate is $180 per hour. Excitement awaits! You’ll love the feel, the visual and the release, or multiple releases

My professional service will give you maximum relaxation both physically and mentally.

100% genuine photos

Real bbw experience

Rates start at $180/hr for new clients and $150/hr for regular clients. men 30 yrs and older

Availability 9am- 6pm
Evening appointments available if booked before 3pm

Cash/Credit & Debit Accepted

By appointment only 250•575•6863
